May 2015 Weather Facts
May marked the return of higher temperatures, melting away the remaining ice and snow left behind from our unusually cold winter. May also marked the first full month of data from our in-stream water quality sensors.
Average recorded air temperature for the month, approximately 10°C higher than April, 2015.
Highest recorded water temperature in Alder Creek. Lowest recorded water temperature was 4.74 °C on May 23rd, 2015.
Number of times the temperature fell below freezing. -1.563°C and -3.692°C where the lowest temperatures recorded on May 14th and May 23rd, 2015, respectively.
Of the total monthly precipitation fell during a 12 hour precipitation event on May 30th, 2015. Average total precipitation during this major event was 56.5 mm.
Increase in the salinity concentration measured in Alder Creek during the major precipitation event. Concentration rose to 0.48 psu from 0.12 psu.
Was the concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) recorded in Alder Creek at the start of the major precipitation event. Before and after the event the stream’s TDS concentration was stable at 160 mg/L and 349.4 mg/L, respectively.