June 2015 Weather Facts

Average daily temperature only rose slightly from May, however, precipitation values increased significantly from previous months, making June our wettest month of the year.

Average recorded air temperature for the month, only 1.42 °C higher than May, 2015.
Total amount of time the mercury was above 20 °C.
Coldest temperature of the month recorded on June 7th, 2015 at 2:15 am. Warmest day was June 10th, 2015 when the temperature peaked at 28.10 °C at 4:00 pm.
Average total precipitation recorded across 7 weather stations within the Alder Creek watershed.
Of precipitation fell during a brief 30 minute period between 11:45 pm and 12:15 am beginning late night on June 7th, 2015 at the West edge of the Alder Creek watershed.
Difference in total monthly precipitation captured from the East and West side of the Alder Creek watershed. 64.4 mm and 164.4 mm precipitation recorded from the West and East side of the watershed, respectively.