
Water and Wastewater Asset Management Readiness Survey launched with support from SOWC

Core infrastructure such as water and wastewater systems provide essential services to communities. Nevertheless, municipalities sometimes struggle to make the necessary investments to keep the physical assets in an adequate condition and operating efficiently. The transformative tools of asset management can change the water industry by creating a new mindset for capital investments. Canadian municipalities, [...]

2019-05-06T13:52:07+00:00August 27th, 2018|News|

A.U.G. Signals: Near-real-time readings help drinking water plants keep THMs in check

Across North America, drinking water treatment plants have to keep trihalomethanes (THMs) — a potential carcinogen — below strict limits. However, if they don’t have sophisticated gas chromatography equipment and trained specialists on site, plants must rely on commercial labs to test their samples. That means waiting up to a week to get results, which [...]

2019-05-28T17:37:04+00:00August 21st, 2018|Features, News|

Greyter Water Systems: Residential greywater recycling for a water-stressed world

What a difference a couple of years can make. When we first introduced you to Greyter Water Systems in 2016, the Ontario-based company was fine-tuning its new residential greywater product. By filtering shower and bath water so it can be reused for flushing toilets, the Greyter HOME system can cut household water consumption an impressive [...]

2019-05-28T17:39:08+00:00July 16th, 2018|Features, News|

New process from Greenfield Global could make anaerobic digestion faster and more economical

It is estimated that Canada’s wastewater treatment plants produce as much as 660,000 tonnes of dried sludge in a year. While a portion of the sludge may be treated and recycled as fertilizer, most facilities dispose of the remainder through landfills or incineration, placing a strain on their operating costs as well as on the [...]

2019-05-28T17:55:13+00:00June 25th, 2018|Features, News|

Renix Inc.: Transforming phosphorus from pollutant to resource

Phosphorus is getting a bad rap these days — and with good reason. According to recent estimates, humans are pumping 10 million tonnes of this nutrient into the world’s lakes and rivers each year[1] with results that can be devastating. In 2014, for example, a massive bloom of blue-green algae, fueled by phosphorus, turned large [...]

2019-05-28T18:20:32+00:00June 4th, 2018|Features, News|

Making real-time E. coli detection a reality

Every year, diseases caused by contaminated drinking water kills hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Detecting contamination early — before dangerous microorganisms have a chance to multiply — would save countless lives. Right now, however, testing water samples means sending them to a lab. In remote communities, or even in big cities like [...]

2019-05-06T13:52:07+00:00May 14th, 2018|Features, News|

UV Pure’s Crossfire Technology® and the road to validation

Chlorination has been used in water treatment for more than 100 years. But there are growing concerns about its effectiveness in removing certain pathogens and its long-term effects on both humans and the environment. UV disinfection is very quickly gaining ground on chlorination because it’s effective, environmentally friendly and economical. But, in many ways the [...]

2019-05-28T17:58:04+00:00April 23rd, 2018|Features, News|

Echologics: A Sound Solution to Leak Detection

Across the continent, water mains laid down during the post-WWII housing boom are reaching the end of their life. Out of sight, small cracks and leaks are going undetected until they turn into catastrophic bursts. And all that wasted water can cost cities millions of dollars every year. Echologics has a solution. The Mississauga company [...]

2019-05-28T18:07:41+00:00April 10th, 2018|Features, News|

Making Waves – 2017 in Review

SOWC is very pleased to present our 2017 Year End Report, Making Waves. The report profiles the 60 technology development projects that are being executed with support from our Advancing Water Technologies program. These collaborative projects are led by Ontario water technology companies in partnership with academic experts from across SOWC’s member post-secondary institutions. We [...]

2019-05-06T13:52:08+00:00April 2nd, 2018|News|

SanEcoTec: Challenging North America’s water treatment paradigm

SanEcoTec, an Ottawa-based company, has developed a water treatment system that it believes can meet the myriad challenges facing North America’s water industry, using a substance similar to one found in most medicine cabinets. With support from Southern Ontario Water Consortium’s Advancing Water Technologies (AWT) program, which is funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency [...]

2019-05-28T17:58:56+00:00March 13th, 2018|Features, News|
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