OWC Academy – Application of Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor for Nutrients Removal in Mainstream and Sidestream
September 1, 2021 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EDT

Zebo Long, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Suez Water Technologies and Solutions
Zebo Long is a senior researcher for Suez Water Technologies and Solutions, Canada. Zebo has over 10 years of work experience, with expertise in wastewater treatment process design, system simulation, and microbial characterization. As a key team member, Zebo has developed ZeeLung membrane aerated biofilm (ZeeLung MABR) technology, which is widely considered as a disruptive innovation due to its high energy efficiency, low footprint, and reliable performance. Currently, Zebo is focusing on the development of ZeeNAMMOX, an innovative application of ZeeLung MABR in side-stream nitrogen removal.
Session Outline
In this session, membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) technologies will be introduced with the focus on its applications for nutrient removal in mainstream and sidestream. The value propositions of ZeeLungTM and ZeeNAMMOXTM MABR technologies will be discussed in detail, as well as details on the process design. Case studies will demonstrate how MABR technologies would satisfy the global customers who are facing a variety of challenges in their facilities.
• Introduction |
• MABR application in Mainstream: ZeeLungTM |
• MABR application in sidestream: ZeeNAMMOXTM |
• Case studies |
• Conclusions |