OWC’s Innovation Showcase aims to highlight cutting-edge advancements and breakthrough technologies of Southern Ontario companies that address the pressing challenges and opportunities in the water sector.
Innovation Showcase is an exclusive opportunity to showcase the leading edge technologies and products to OWC network.
All OWC partner companies are eligible to create a showcase on our website.

TRITON Intelligent Water Surveillance® combines superior signal processing, multi-source data fusion technologies and a high-resolution spectrometric system to provide accurate water quality information and synthesize sensor-acquired data streams in real-time.

Empowering Tailings Management Through Efficiency & Liability Mitigation

Redefining Membrane Technology &
Revolutionizing Water Separation Worldwide
The opinions expressed in the Innovation Showcase webpage are those of the content creators.
They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Ontario Water Consortium or its members.
The designations employed in this webpage and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Ontario Water Consortium.