

How is climate change impacting water quality in the Great Lakes?

Photo Credit: Keith Dunlap (GMG) From CBC News, November 19, 2021: A Windsor-based engineer said climate change is taking a toll on the health of the Great Lakes and this could in turn have an impact on the quality of drinking water for millions of people. Saad Jasim, who is also president of the International Ozone Association, said the impact of climate change on the Great Lakes is quite visible in the form of harmful algal blooms. According to Jasim around 50 [...]

November 25th, 2021|Categories: Climate Change|

New OWC-Mitacs partnership revs up R&D in Ontario’s water sector

When Elsayed Elbeshbishy finished his PhD in environmental engineering in 2011, he was eager to add some applied experience to his academic expertise. He got that opportunity thanks to Mitacs, a not-for-profit organization that connects researchers with industrial partners. The program funded an 18-month post-doc fellowship with Trojan Technologies, where Elbeshbishy helped develop a sludge management system that reduced odours, improved anaerobic digestibility and shrunk sludge volumes. The successful proof-of-concept project enabled Trojan to identify the optimum operating and [...]

November 14th, 2021|Categories: Features, News|

OWC Partnership with Mitacs

Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Fellow Partnerships Available To Ontario Water Companies Waterloo, Ontario – The Ontario Water Consortium (OWC) and Mitacs have announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to open strategic partnership opportunities between Ontario’s innovative water companies, municipal utilities and highly trained college, undergraduate, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. This agreement builds on the programs available through Mitacs which connect high-calibre academic candidates with industry, not-for-profit organizations, and municipalities to foster innovation. Mitacs contributes roughly half of the [...]

September 8th, 2021|Categories: News|
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