Unique Capacity
OWC has been growing. Our innovative and collaborative ecosystem now includes 9 post-secondary institutions and 18 industry partners. We continue to expand our network of collaborators including municipalities and other government leaders.

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Ontario Post-Secondary Institutions Research Capacity
OWC includes 9 post-secondary members located across Ontario. Each brings its own unique strength and capacity in academic research, and research and demonstration facilities.

Demonstration Facilities
In 2015, two unique facilities for wastewater technology demonstration were commissioned, in partnership with the host cities and universities. The Guelph Wastewater Facility (GWF) is a bench and pilot-scale facility constructed adjacent to the City of Guelph’s municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and managed by the University of Guelph. The London Wastewater Facility (LWF) is led by Western University and the City of London, and located at London’s Greenway Pollution Control Plant.

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Water Centre & Institute
Working Group
Working Group
Facilitating collaborative discussions, fostering synergistic connections, and unlocking fresh opportunities, this working group unites water centers and institutes within OWC's network to advance knowledge sharing, multi-institutional cooperation, and funding prospects.
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Knowledge Mobilization
OWC's Knowledge Mobilization initiative aims to moving knowledge from formal research into active use through science-oriented contents!
Knowledge Mobilization demystifies technology and disseminate research results, innovative technologies and processes.
Knowledge Mobilization demystifies technology and disseminate research results, innovative technologies and processes.

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Innovation Showcase
OWC’s Innovation Showcase aims to highlight cutting-edge advancements and breakthrough technologies of Southern Ontario companies that address the pressing challenges and opportunities in the water sector.
This is an excellent opportunity for technology developer companies to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs!
This is an excellent opportunity for technology developer companies to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs!