December 2015 Weather Facts
December was warmer than usual with temperatures above 0 degrees 77.3% of the time. Along with his sleigh and reindeer, Santa brought along the warmest day on Christmas eve with the mercury hitting 15.49 °C at 2:45 pm.
Average daily temperature for December 2015 – not a bad December. Only a 2.37°C dip from last month’s average temperatures.
Difference between the coldest recorded temperature of -8.88°C and the warmest temperature of 15.49°C on December 20th, 2015 and December 25, 2015.
Increase in the coldest day recorded in December 2015 from November 2015. -8.88°C was the coldest recorded temperature in December 2015.
Average precipitation to fall across our seven weather stations within the Alder Creek watershed.
Percentage of total monthly average precipitation that fell on December 29th, 2015, averaged from all sites.
Highest wind speed recorded from Weather Station 2 on December 14, 2015 at 6:30 pm.