September 2015 Weather Facts
September was a relatively dry month with cooler temperature as the summer winds down and we settle into fall.
Average daily temperature for August, 2015. Average temperature for October was 8.78°C less that the average temperature for September.
Total percentage of the month where we enjoyed temperatures above 20 °C.
Total average monthly precipitation recorded from 6 tipping buckets across the Alder Creek watershed.
Of the total precipitation fell on the rainfall event beginning the evening of September 3rd, 2015 and lasting nearly 24 hours across the Alder Creek watershed.
Pressure drop experience on September 3rd, 2015 during the peak intensity of the largest rainfall event of the month.
Average wind speed recorded with a peak wind speed of 6.66 m/s on September 13th, 2015 at 5:00 pm.