
Talking tiny: Virtual workshop explores the game-changing potential of nanotechnology in the water sector

Today’s water industry faces many challenges — from addressing hard-to-remove contaminants in drinking supplies to making wastewater treatment as energy-efficient as possible, cutting costs and carbon emissions. Could nanotech hold the answers? Dr. Sushanta Mitra, executive director of the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, believes so. “We are able to utilize the surface properties in [...]

2022-01-24T18:03:33+00:00January 19th, 2022|Events, Features|

Breaking Into the U.S. Water Sector: The Vast U.S.A.

Originally Post by Management inSites: Every industry has its unique opportunities and hurdles when entering the U.S. Here we take a quick “deep dive” into the water industry. While the information below is specifically geared towards those in the water sector, any industry that relies on water in its production process can also benefit. [...]

2021-11-29T21:51:25+00:00November 29th, 2021|Features, News|

New OWC-Mitacs partnership revs up R&D in Ontario’s water sector

When Elsayed Elbeshbishy finished his PhD in environmental engineering in 2011, he was eager to add some applied experience to his academic expertise. He got that opportunity thanks to Mitacs, a not-for-profit organization that connects researchers with industrial partners. The program funded an 18-month post-doc fellowship with Trojan Technologies, where Elbeshbishy helped develop a [...]

2021-11-14T23:13:05+00:00November 14th, 2021|Features, News|

Transforming the water sector with sensor technology

How Ontario’s researchers are transforming the water sector Taking promising research from the lab bench to the marketplace isn’t a simple journey. But with a little help, investigators at Ontario universities are commercializing their discoveries. And the technologies they’ve developed — from high-tech sensors to artificial intelligence and nano-catalysts — promise to change water monitoring, [...]

2019-11-12T14:50:33+00:00November 11th, 2019|Features|

Ready or not? Managing Ontario’s municipal water and wastewater assets

Ontario municipalities are facing a deadline. Under provincial Regulation 588/17, they must have an asset management policy in place by July 2019, followed by targets for Levels of Service by July 2021. These requirements makes good business sense. To manage infrastructure appropriately, you need to know what you have and what condition it’s in. An [...]

2019-05-27T18:27:47+00:00May 27th, 2019|Features|

Research supports opportunities for Ontario’s wastewater treatment plants to process off-site organics and generate RNG

The primary goal of wastewater treatment is to remove organic material and nutrients that can hurt lakes and rivers and be detrimental to human health. No question, that’s a critical job. But more and more municipalities across Ontario are adding a second objective: extracting value from wastewater. And there’s plenty of value to squeeze out. [...]

2019-05-06T13:52:07+00:00May 6th, 2019|Features, News|

Deploying THM-monitoring technology in remote First Nation communities

In Canada, boil water advisories in First Nation communities regularly make headlines. Unfortunately, thousands of First Nation households across the country cannot drink the water that comes out of their tap. One of the big challenges of ensuring safe drinking water in remote areas is the shortage of qualified operators to oversee treatment systems. In [...]

2019-05-06T13:52:07+00:00April 15th, 2019|Features, News|

Big-impact software for low-impact stormwater control

When summer storms roll through southern Ontario, city officials depend on stormwater management ponds to store runoff, keep pollutants out of lakes and rivers and prevent basements from flooding. Today, however, municipalities are increasingly adding Low Impact Development (LID) technologies to complement those ponds. Peppered throughout urban environments, these inconspicuous landscape features may take the [...]

2019-05-28T17:35:51+00:00January 7th, 2019|Features, News|

A.U.G. Signals: Near-real-time readings help drinking water plants keep THMs in check

Across North America, drinking water treatment plants have to keep trihalomethanes (THMs) — a potential carcinogen — below strict limits. However, if they don’t have sophisticated gas chromatography equipment and trained specialists on site, plants must rely on commercial labs to test their samples. That means waiting up to a week to get results, which [...]

2019-05-28T17:37:04+00:00August 21st, 2018|Features, News|
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