

Going big: EKS takes tailings dewatering to the next level

With support from the Ontario Water Consortium’s  Water Industry Growth Program, ElectroKinetic Solutions Inc.  is revolutionizing tailings management within the mining industry through its pioneering dewatering technology. Tailings are a massive challenge for the mining industry. Decades are required for suspended particles to settle and form a slurry, preventing water reuse. Companies are forced to construct enormous tailings storage facilities (TSF) or to dewater the slurry in the processing plant — an expensive undertaking. ElectroKinetic Solutions Inc. (EKS) has developed [...]

February 15th, 2024|Categories: Features, News, Water Industry Growth Program|

Smart leak detection that makes every drop count

With support from the Ontario Water Consortium’s  Water Industry Growth Program, Digital Water Solutions is reshaping water distribution network management with their groundbreaking hydrant.AI technology.  Today, many communities lose up to half of the drinking water they treat due to leaks in their distribution networks. To help tackle the problem, Digital Water Solutions (DWS) developed ground-breaking technology with support from OWC. Their hydrant.AI devices sit inside fire hydrants, gathering acoustic, pressure and temperature data from within the water column. Then, [...]

February 5th, 2024|Categories: Features, News, Water Industry Growth Program|

Cutting emissions and boosting performance with digital sewer twins

With support from the Ontario Water Consortium’s  Water Industry Growth Program, Dynamita North America is revolutionizing the integration of sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants through the implementation of digital twins. It’s time to stop thinking of sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants as two separate siloes. After all, what happens in the sewers has a direct impact on treatment plants — both in terms of the volume and the quality of the sewage they have to manage. And that’s [...]

January 22nd, 2024|Categories: Features, News, Water Industry Growth Program|
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