

Tracking the levels of toxic tire chemicals

With support from the Ontario Water Consortium’s  Water Industry Growth Program, A.U.G. Signals is addressing the impact of toxic tire chemicals in waterways by adapting their proven TRITON system As vehicles drive along, their tires shed particles of rubber and plastic tire. Typically, they’re tiny. But with more than a billion cars in the world, it adds up to a whole lot of pollution that washes off roads and into rivers, lakes and oceans every time it rains. Globally, an [...]

January 8th, 2024|Categories: Features, News, Water Industry Growth Program|

OWC’s 2023 in Review

Dear Members, Partners, and Friends of the Ontario Water Consortium, As 2023 winds down, we take pride in celebrating the strides taken and the milestones achieved by the Ontario Water Consortium. This year has stood as a testament to our unwavering mission: fostering innovation in water management through collaborative research, real-world testing, and strategic partnerships. We proudly launched the Water Industry Growth Program, signifying a significant commitment with a total project value of $4M+. Our agility in the design and [...]

December 5th, 2023|Categories: Features, News|

Unlocking Innovation: Wastewater Process Intensification Workshop

On December 4th, 2023, the Ontario Water Consortium (OWC) and Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) played host to a Wastewater Process Intensification Workshop, with generous sponsorship from Veolia Water Technologies. This gathering was the second in a series and was designed to address the pressing challenges brought about by population and employment growth in Ontario through the lens of innovative wastewater treatment processes. The primary goal of the workshop was to arm municipalities with the necessary knowledge and resources to [...]

December 5th, 2023|Categories: Events, News|
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