Eramosa Engineering Uses SOWC Watershed Data to Enhance Water Treatment Data
Eramosa Engineering, supported by SOWC's data integration platform, has created a unique water and wastewater industry data visualization web-based reporting tool that incorporates historical watershed data with existing plant and remote systems data from around a local municipality's water and wastewater system. The Guelph-based company is a leader in developing customized Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems for water and wastewater treatment plants in Ontario. SCADA systems are designed to automate and monitor treatment and distribution or collection facilities. [...]
SOWC Facilities Draw Attention From U.S. Delegation
SOWC's cutting-edge research, development, testing and demonstration facilities are attracting attention from those interested in water technology south of the border. Delegates of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Centre (MassCEC), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the New England Water Innovation Network, recently made a trip to Ontario to tour a few of the SOWC's facilities. There is currently a big push in the U.S. to support the [...]
SOWC Establishes Industry Advisory Committee (IAC)
The Southern Ontario Water Consortium (SOWC) is proud to announce the establishment of its Industry Advisory Committee (IAC). Reporting to the SOWC Advisory Board, the role of the IAC is to provide strategic direction and advice regarding SOWC’s priorities, sustainability and business development activities, and to provide insight on water sector needs and how SOWC’s physical infrastructure and expertise can best support technology development and commercialization. Please view a list our current IAC members and a brief description of their [...]