through real-world demonstration

Publications or other research outputs related to SOWC infrastructure.
Citations received for peer-reviewed publications related to SOWC infrastructure.
Examples of SOWC infrastructure as a key resource in academic research projects.
Researchers received external funding related to SOWC infrastructure.
Industry Partners.
Anticipated industry jobs resulting from AWT projects.
Researchers leading AWT projects.
Graduate students expected to be engaged in AWT projects.
Contributions allocated to AWT projects.
New sales projected by AWT companies by the end of 2020.
Leveraged investments by companies and partners.

The program also provided funding for critical upgrades at OWC's Guelph & London Wastewater Demonstration Facilities and facilitated skills development training sessions in the areas of diversity, inclusion and indigenous cultural competency.
The success of the WIG program reflects a collaborative commitment to innovation, sustainability, and economic growth within Southern Ontario’s water sector.
Contributions allocated across programming.
Leveraged investments by companies, collaborators and partners.
Projected new sales resulting from WIG innovations commercialized by December 2025
Technology advancement projects including 8 academic collaborations.
Jobs created or maintained as a result of funding received from program.
Unique businesses supported across programming.